Sendmail formatting


I have this PHP script that sends an email when someone fills out a form and passes information via POST. It works fine and smooth. My problem is that the email has no formatting whatsoever. At least, I want every field (like Name, Company, etc) to be separated in paragraphs. I add a <br tag but instead of separating the <br shows up. How could I separate them in paragraphs?

(My domain is, when I get the mail in my inbox, the sender comes out as For example, if I enter Arnold in the Name field, when I get the mail in my inbox it would be like
How can I just have the Arnold without the

	$yourName = $_REQUEST['yourName'] ;
	$yourCompany = $_REQUEST['yourCompany'] ;
	$yourPhone = $_REQUEST['yourPhone'] ;
	$yourFax = $_REQUEST['yourFax'] ;
	$yourEmail = $_REQUEST['yourEmail'] ;
	$yourMessage = $_REQUEST['yourMessage'] ;
	$dataSent = 'Name: ' . $yourName . '   - Company: ' . $yourCompany . '   - Phone: ' . $yourPhone . '   - Fax: ' . $yourFax . '   - Email: ' . $yourEmail . '   - Message: ' . $yourMessage;
  mail( "", "Taller Creativo Contact Form", $dataSent, "From: $yourName" );
  header( "Location:" );

Thanks in advance,
