Hello all. Through my painful experience in upgrading my ActionScript 2.0 code to 3.0, I’m replacing old XML objects’ send() methods with the new flash.net.sendToURL method. In AS2, I called a .aspx page in the send() method. The .aspx page acts on the XML data that was sent via HTTP POST, and does a redirect to another aspx page. Here’s an excerpt:
in AS2:
var someData:XML = new XML();
someData.send(“Yo.aspx”, “POST”, “_self”);
Yo.aspx sees the “<foo/>” data come through the HTTP POST and executes a Response.Redirect(“AnotherPage.aspx”);.
When I tried to convert this code to AS3, I noticed that the Response.Redirect stopped working! I first thought that this was a .Net issue, but I’m positive that the same .Net code is running for both the old AS2 and new AS3 code. Here’s what I’ve tried in AS3:
in AS3:
var someData:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“Yo.aspx”);
req.data = someData.toString();
req.method = “POST”;
In debugging in .Net, I see that the “<foo/>” still comes through fine. In fact, the Response.Redirect works within the .Net debugger, but the screen doesn’t update with the newly-requested page. According to Adobe’s documentation, sendToURL doesn’t accept any data. This should be fine, as I only want to send data and redirect to another page. I don’t understand this behavior, but I suspect that sendToURL is executing in some sort of a sandbox that prohibits server-side code from redirecting to another page after the call is made.
Here’s one potential workaround that I’d rather not implement.
in AS3:
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“test.aspx”);
req.data = “Hello”;
req.method = “POST”;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
private function loadComplete(event:Event):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(event.currentTarget.data), “_self”);
in Yo.aspx:
Response.Write(“AnotherPage.aspx”); //rather than Response.Redirect(“AnotherPage.aspx”);
Sorry for the novel of a post, but if anyone has any insights here, I would appreciate your input! Thanks a lot!