Senocular Drop Down Menu HELP!

Ok, so I didn’t want to PM Sen when I’m sure he is busy, so hopefully someone can help me out.

I have taken his source file from his site for the drop down “accordian” menus and made it into just a single drop down list/menu. I also wanted to make it so the user didn’t have to click on the menu item to get the list to show up, rather - i wanted them to just roll over the menu item and get the list.

So I got that far, the rollover effect works and everything looks like it is good to go, but then when you rollOut from that menu item, the whole list dissapears before you get a chance to make a selection.

So I’ve posted my .fla in hopes that someone can filter through it and make some sense out of it and can help me get the menu to “close” once the user has rolledOut from all the menu items … or after the user has chosen one of the menu items.

Thanks in advance for any help provided! :thumb:
