Senocular has been terminated

hastah laveestah, beh-bey

So I got fired this morning - not because I suck as a person (I know some of you were thinking that :smirk2: ), but because of some crazy realignment strategy that kicked my entire group (including my manager) to the curb.

It’s not actually so bad for me. I could probably quite easily find a new position in the company (and I’ve only been here a year). However, there are other people who are less fortunate and have been here over a decade. Really sucks for them :-/ I wish them luck in finding a new job.

I’m mostly upset that my pink slip wasn’t pink, or really a slip at all. It was a two page explanation on 8 1/2 x 11 with a crummy digital and poorly compressed signature. I guess no one sticks with tradition anymore.