Senocular's AS3 TransformTool


I see a number of cool sites and examples using Senocular’s TransformTool. Most of them look and function really well. I’ve downloaded and reviewed the code for a number of different examples. I can see how everyone else’s works.

However! I’m having difficulty with 2 points:

  1. When I select a movieClip, the TransformTool appears in the correct spot and in the correct dimensions. But the movieClip itself is relocated much above the TransformTool and is MUCH smaller than its original size and the current (and correct) dimensions of the TransformTool. Selecting one of the handles and dragging stretches the movieClip but does not make it the same dimensions as the TransformTool

  2. Releasing one of the handles seems to cause the handle to behave in the same way the movieClip did – you can resize and move the handle!

Any ideas what may be causing this? It must be said that I am new to Flash and AS3 so please think of simple/minor problems which may be causing this.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.