I’m trying to create a large site where I’m using AS2.0 classes to manage everything. I’ve started working on porting the XML drop down menu by Senocular into a XMLMenu class with limited success. I have two issues/problems…any help would be most appreciated, I’d love to offer this AS2.0 class to anyone once I have it figured out.
(One note, it’s already slightly modified to be a horizontal menu with the submenus appearing below each menuitem).
I’m attaching my two files for review…
#1: On top level items that are in the XML that don’t have submenu’s (they are just <item/>), I get a weird extra menuitem with “undefined” as the label, and the placement is off by one menuitem.
#2: I’m not getting the submenu’s to appear at all. I thought it was an XML issue, but I’m pretty sure it’s getting the XML right now…I wish I had more info to give here.
Any and all help is most appreciated.
XMLMenu.as: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=27489&stc=1
Index.fla: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=27490&stc=1