hey guys you know Sen’s xml menu well i’ve updated it a bit grabbed some code from somewhere else on this and added a simple little bit of code in my self so that youcan have a horizontal menu with the pop out bits as vertical menus. I’ve also made it so that you can have the pop out menu as a different menuitem than the horizontal bit.
You can easily make it so that the first menu is vertical and the pop out as horizontal or have them both going on the same axis
Follow Sen’s tutorial on this site on Xml Pop Up Menu’s
here’s the code… i hope this is what someone else is looking for…
GenerateMenu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var curr_node;
var curr_item;
var curr_menu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);
for (var i=0; i<node_xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
curr_item = curr_menu.attachMovie("menuitem","item"+i+"_mc", i);
if (name == "mainmenu_mc") {
curr_item._x = x + i*100;
curr_item._y = y;
} else {
curr_item = curr_menu.attachMovie("submenu","item"+i+"_mc", i);
curr_item._x = x;
curr_item._y = y+i*16;
curr_item.trackAsMenu = true;
curr_node = node_xml.childNodes*;
curr_item.action = curr_node.attributes.action;
curr_item.variables = curr_node.attributes.variables;
curr_item.name.text = curr_node.attributes.name;
if (node_xml.childNodes*.nodeName == "menu"){
curr_item.node_xml = curr_node;
curr_item.onRollOver = curr_item.onDragOver = function(){
var x = this._x;
var y = this._y+16;
GenerateMenu(curr_menu, "submenu_mc", x, y, 1000, this.node_xml);
var col = new Color(this.background);
curr_item.arrow._visible = false;
curr_item.onRollOver = curr_item.onDragOver = function(){
var col = new Color(this.background);
curr_item.onRollOut = curr_item.onDragOut = function(){
var col = new Color(this.background);
curr_item.onRelease = function(){
Createmainmenu = function(x, y, depth, menu_xml){
GenerateMenu(this, "mainmenu_mc", x, y, depth, menu_xml.firstChild);
mainmenu_mc.onMouseUp = function(){
if (mainmenu_mc.submenu_mc && !mainmenu_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){
CloseSubmenus = function(){
Actions = Object();
Actions.gotoURL = function(urlVar){
getURL(urlVar, "_blank");
Actions.message = function(msg){
_root.message_txt.text = msg;
Actions.loadVars = function(Vars){
loadVariables("Vars", _root.message_txt);
menu_xml = new XML();
menu_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
menu_xml.onLoad = function(ok){
if (ok){
Createmainmenu(10, 10, 0, this);
_root.message_txt.text = "message area";
_root.message_txt.text = "error: XML not successfully loaded";
You will need to make another movieclip just like the “menuItem” mc and name it “submenu” and export it for actionscript under that name…