Hi guys,
I’ve been through Senoculars XML tutorial which can be found here and went further to read another thread ([URL=http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79359]here ). about extending the Portfolio to allow for more thumbs–implementing a scrollbar-thanks to Scotty This brings me to my question.
Q: How can I do away with any scrolling and implement page numbers instead? So users could click the page numbers to go to the next lot of thumbnails in the section instead of scrolling up and down. Any ideas??? The image below illustrates what im trying to achieve. As you can see I would like it to show current page, and overflow for page numbers that wont fit within the area dictated on the stage (rather like how threads work in this forum)
Note: Along with this image I have attached the slightly altered version of the file discerned with scrollbar (w fla, xml, small size sample images).
Thankyou as always