Hi Guys,
I’m relatively news to Flash MX 2004, and I’ve created a function which builds a vertical menu based on an Array read from a mySQL database. I’ve managed to acheive all this relatively easily, but I want the individual movieClips to fade in one after each other (say emulating alpha tweening the clips 5 frames apart at 25 fps), instead of appearing all at once. No matter what I try I can only seem to get them to fade in at the same time…
Does anyone have any ideas…? They would be gratefully appreciated and you’d make you world an even more joyous place to live in!
// Builds the Client List Navigation
buildNavigation = function() {
nav_count = clstArray.length;
for(i=0; i<nav_count; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip(“nav”, “nav”+i, (10+i));
setProperty(“nav”+i, _alpha, 0);
setProperty(“nav”+i, _x, 192.5);
// Mathematics to emulate Fireworks design…
setProperty(“nav”+i, _y, 170+(i12));
// Define text of Movie clip to reflect client names Array and embed client Id
x = eval(“nav”+i);
x.clientName = clstArray;
x.clientId = cidArray*;
// This is the fade in Actionscript
_root.x.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._alpha >= 99) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this._alpha += 5;
// End of the fade in Actionscript
Does this make sense and can anyone out their offer me spiritual guru like advise in the wonderful world of Flash…?
Peace, love and flowers,