Serious Flash MX problem

I formatted very recently last Thursday, I then installed Flash MX and have been using it recently.

However when I came to use the Rectangle and Circle tools I don’t get a “projection” when I drag out a shape - I can’t see see what I am drawing. If you don’t understand what I mean, click on your desktop and drag out you will see a box appear with a dotted line, I don’t get that when dragging out shapes in Flash.

I have NEVER had this problem before.

I tried reinstalling Flash - this did not help. I then downloaded a trial version, however the problem still remains.

I get the feeling I may be missing some really obvious here, anybody got any ideas?

Ok this is a shot in the dark, but maybe your layers were locked when you tried to use those tools?


I didn’t mention this but it doesn’t stop me drawing. I can draw - it just makes it very difficult to guage what size of object I am drawing and its kind of frustrating have to resize everything :frowning:

Here’s another shot in the dark: check your preferrences… there might be something in there (like a snap or guide) that needs to be enabled (that got disabled with the reinstall).

Just a guess.

Yea, it sounds like a setting…not a problem w/ the software. (i think anyway) that’s wierd though. Never seen that before

I thought that too and I have looked but I can’t see anything that would influence it. I never had this problem before… ever. Its bizarre. Perhaps my computer is dying.

anybody else? :frowning: