
Are there any tutes about server client, ie say like a chat room, you send a message from your client swf and it invokes a method on the server swf which in turn invokes a method on all clients to update their screen.

Seen anything like this at all? I have prgrammed this stuff in java using remote method invocation but not sure how to do it in flash

Thanks Ya’all

You can do that with PHP or ASP. There is a basic tute on this site, and I think there’s one too at

If you’re serious about this, you can also check the new PHP for Flash book from I heard it was very good.

pom :cowboy:

OK I have set up apahce and its fine, have set up mySQL and thats also working. I have installed PHP but it said to configure httpd.conf in apache myself
I have apache 2.0.43 and php version 4.23

please can u tell me how to configure the file so i can use php


couldnt get those 2 to work together so had to download an apache 1 instead, seems php have not written anything for apache 2 just yet