Set browser size

Hi, I’m loosing my brain trying to set the size of the browser. I’m building a web site and I would like that, when clicking on the thumbnails, the image will appear on a new window. But I don’t want thins window to be maximize but I would like to set the size of it. How can I set the size of the browser? Please help…
Many thanks Dario

If you are using Dreamweaver choose windows than behaviors and select popup with your dimensions.

First of all thank you very much for you quick replay, it was very helpful but I’m using Flash and not Dreamweaver. Is there a way to set the browser size using flash?
Thank you again

There is a tutorial in Kirupa describing how to create the center popup. I will also show you how to control the popup size.

Try this:


Thank you very much for your help.
Your advice was very usefull.