setChildAt errors and troubles

Hello all,

I’m trying to make a simple gallery with over lapping images, when clicked I trying to make the selected image change its index value to come to the front. I seem to be hitting a brick wall with ArgumentErrors and RangeErrors…

This is my code

private function xmlLoadedHandler(event:Event):void 
            _xmlObject = new XML(;
            var i:uint = 0;
            for each(var image:XML in _xmlObject.image)
                i = i + 1;
                var displayImage:ImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay(_xmlPath + image.@src);
                container.addChildAt(displayImage, 0);
       = "image" + i;
                displayImage.x = image.@x;
                displayImage.y = image.@y;
                displayImage.alpha = 0.5;
                displayImage.rotation = Math.random() * 15;
                displayImage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseEventHandler);
            trace("There are", container.numChildren, "images in this gallery!");
        private function onMouseEventHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
  , container.numChildren - 1);
            //var circle:Sprite = Sprite(;
            //var topPosition:uint = container.numChildren - 1;
            //container.setChildIndex(circle, topPosition);
            //container.setChildIndex(container.getChildAt(1), 0);

I’ve tried a few different ways in the onMouseEventHandler function but so far turned up nothing.

Any help would be appreciated.
