
I come across this problem here and there, and always find a backdoor to getting it fixed. Basically a lot more work than I want to do.

How do you take any object, and make it come to the top no matter WHAT is on stage, or what is not on stage. Regardless of how many movieclips there are. If I don’t know any parents, or children, or anything at all, how do I make my MC come to the top? There might be 26 objects on stage, and 23 objects within objects, and 15 objects that flew in from outerspace. If I decide to click a MC, I want that MC to come to the top. Is this possible? :panda: There should be something simple, a simple command that takes into account every single child and parent, and says “ok you want this MC on top, then here you go, its yours, this MC will now be on the very top. When you drag your MC, it will now be on top of every thing. e.g. (setThisChildTop(childName))” :slight_smile: Would be nice anyway…
