setInterval - actionscript 2.0 Nearly there:)

Hey guys,

Ok I’ve been working on getting a tween to start o.5 seconds after another tween using actionscript. I’ve got the second tween to start 0.5 seconds after the first (woo!) however, the second tween then keeps looping and the third tween doesn’t start. It’s probably something to do with my syntax.

Heres the current code, note that all the tweens are defined and stopped before this bit of code, though i didn’t but it on cos its LONG and irrelevant:

[FONT=“Courier New”]onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
drop1.onMotionStarted = function() {
myInterval = setInterval(pauseTween, 500);
function pauseTween() {
drop2.onMotionStarted = function() {
myInterval = setInterval(pauseTween, 500);
function pauseTween() {

Its probably soemthing to do with where I’ve put the second section (drop.onMotionStarted). Any ideas?