SetInterval animation

Hi guys,

I have a script where the image is animated with setInterval.
After you pressed the enter button it also leaves animated.
I’ve been trying a few days to get it so that the picture comes
and after a few seconds leaves animated without having to press the enter button.
I know it has to be done with setInterval but I don’t know how.
Can someone explain to me how I can get it to work.

Thanks in advance.

import gs.*;
import gs.plugins.*;
import gs.easing.*;

glow_mc._visible = false;
glow_mc._alpha = 0;
enter_mc._visible = false;
enter_mc._alpha = 0;

TweenPlugin.activate([ShortRotationPlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, BlurFilterPlugin]);

function pictureImplode() {
 enterbtnin = setInterval(showEnterBtn, 2600);
 for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
  var theClip = this["fj"+(i+1)];
  var theX = 0-(random(Stage.width+100)+(Stage.width/2));
  var theY = random(Stage.height+100)-(Stage.height/2);
  var firstNumber = random(2)+1;
  var secondNumber = random(9)+1;
  var timeString = String(firstNumber + "." + secondNumber);
  var theTime = Number(timeString);
  //var widthheight = 10;
  var widthheight = random(40);
  TweenMax.from(theClip, theTime, {_width:widthheight, _height:widthheight, _x:Math.floor(theX), _y:Math.floor(theY),_rotation:random(970), blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:20, quality:1}, ease:Regular.easeOut});

function pictureExplode() {
 fadeExplosion = setInterval(fadeAll, 1600);
 for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
  var theClip = this["fj"+(i+1)];
  var theX = random(Stage.width+100)+(Stage.width/2);
  var theY = random(Stage.height+100)-(Stage.height/2);
  var firstNumber = random(1)+1;
  var secondNumber = random(9);
  var timeString = String(firstNumber + "." + secondNumber);
  var theTime = Number(timeString);
  //var widthheight = 10;
  var widthheight = random(20);, theTime, {_width:widthheight, _height:widthheight, _x:Math.floor(theX), _y:Math.floor(theY), _rotation:random(970), blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:20, quality:3}, ease:Strong.easeIn});

function fadeAll() {
 enter_mc._visible = false;

function fadeExp() {
 nextframeint = setInterval(nextframe, 1000);
 for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
  var theClip = this["fj"+(i+1)];
  var firstNumber = 0;
  var secondNumber = random(9)+1;
  var timeString = String(firstNumber + "." + secondNumber);
  var theTime = Number(timeString);, theTime, {_alpha:0, ease:Linear.easeNone});

function nextframe() {;

function showEnterBtn() {
 clearInterval( enterbtnin );
 glow_mc._visible = true;
 enter_mc._visible = true;, 1.5, {_alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeNone});, 0.5, {_alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeNone});

function pictureExplosion() {
 glow_mc._visible = false;

enter_mc.onRelease = function() {, 1.5, {_alpha:0, ease:easeNone, onComplete:pictureExplosion});
 enter_mc.enabled = false;
 glow_mc.enabled = false;

glow_mc.onRelease = function() {, 1.5, {_alpha:0, ease:easeNone, onComplete:pictureExplosion});
 enter_mc.enabled = false;
 glow_mc.enabled = false;

var enterbtnin
var fadeExplosion
var nextframeint