I’m using the setInterval function to build up a menu. This is the call for the Interval:
chamada = 1;
intervaloID = setInterval( intervalo(), 1000 );
And this is the function that is supposed to be called at every second:
function intervalo() {
if (chamada == "1" ) {
bt_movimento_spy.easeX(bt_spy._x, bt_movimento_spy, bt_spy);
trace("interval called");
trace (chamada);
chamada ++;
trace (chamada);
else if (chamada == "2" ) {
bt_movimento_eventos.easeX(bt_eventos._x, bt_movimento_eventos, bt_eventos);
trace("interval called");
clearInterval( intervaloID );
The function called the first item, and then set the “chamada” variable to 2, which I thought would call the second item next time around, but that didn´t happen. It just called the first item and then stopped.
Any ideas?? Thanks!! C:-)