Hi All,
I’m making a Flash email that will have a: presentation and buttons on the bottom to either: go back, pause, or move forward.
To kill the mounds of tweening, I am using on the main timeline this code to pause the movie for a set # of seconds, so that a reader can read the text:
var delaymov:Number = setInterval(this, "pause", 300);
function pause():Void {
However, I also want to be able to allow the user to PAUSE (via Movieclip Button) the movie on his/her whim, and just as anticipated, this causes friction with the points of the movie that have the aforementioned script.
Here is what I have for a button function so far.:
[COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Black]Main Timeline has a
Movieclip Button that has
3 Frames: (1)PauseFrame (2)PlayFrame (3)gotoandplay.
Inside Frames 1 and 2 are buttons for their respective functions.[/COLOR]
[/COLOR]…Code for the Pause Frame’s button:
on (release) {
nextFrame(); //advance to next this.frame
_root.stop(); //pause movie
clearInterval(delaymov); //disable delay
I have tried even _root.clearinterval, and tried to put it in a function
function() {
but can’t get it to work either way. But it DOES pause the movie when there isn’t a setInterval in the pipes.
Thanks in Advance!