setInterval with MC

Hi all,

I have 3 movie clips and I’m using keyframes to animate them. I want them to show as slideshow and assign a time to each slide to display. How can I do that? I put all those 3 mc’s in first keyframe and assign them with different instance name.

Here what I got but it doesn’t work. Those MC’s don’t play at all. Please does anyone know how to do the rigth way??

I’m using an array to store them:

var duration = 1000;
var tab_slide = [slideA_mc, slideB_mc, slideC_mc];

function add_fx() {
var monInterval = setInterval(play_fx, duration);
function play_fx() {
this.onLoad = function() {
for(i=0;i<tab_slide.length;i++) {
tab_mc*.gotoAndPlay(2); <-- begin to play in 2 frame, first frame is STOP();
