Hi, I am making this Flash website for a restaurant and on the Operation of Hours page I want it to say something to the effect of “We are [COLOR=“Lime”]open![/COLOR]” and that will be the IF statement with set times 11.30am-9.30pm Thursday-Fri and on Sat-Sun it will be 10am-6pm. However, anytime after the closing time and before the opening time, in that case, I want it to then say “Sorry, we are [COLOR=“Red”]closed[/COLOR].” Can this be done? Essentially it’s using the same idea as PHP conditional if, else statements using echo packets and the like. I’m still a newb at Flash, but I’m learning yet I feel a bit neutered with Flash not being able to use the same bits of HTML/PHP coding that I’ve been used to for so many years. Please advise. Cheers, James