Hello. I am new to this forum but I see the vast knowledge of all the forum members. I have a question. I used Kirupa’s drawing board tutorial, but when I finished making the flash file I wondered if there was a way to limit where the viewer can draw. For example, on his tutorial he shows you how to create an easy erase button. Well, what if I don’t want the viewer to be able to draw on the button. Is there a way to specify the area that you want the viewer to be able to draw on? I tried making the space a movie clip and just adding the actionscript to the movieclip, but when I placed the movie clip inside a bigger flash file it wouldn’t let me draw at all. I thought making it a movie clip would then limit the drawable area. Did I do a good enough job explaining my problem? I just want to be able to limit where the viewer can draw, so that the viewer can’t get wild and draw all over the buttons and controls.
Thank you for any help on this!