Sorry for this real noobie question.
I want to break my code into several classes for the sake of readability and reusability, but I keep getting various errors for code that works perfectly well when it’s all contained in the DocClass.
Where am I going wrong?
package main
import flash.display.Sprite;
import main.Grid;
public class DocClass extends Sprite
public var test:Test = new Test();
public function DocClass():void
trace(this+" initalized");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, testEvent);
public function testEvent(e:Event):void
test.x = Grid.gridX(mouseX);
test.y = Grid.gridY(mouseY);
package main
public class Grid extends Object
private const minGridX:int = 16;
private const minGridY:int = 16;
private const maxGridX:int = 624;
private const maxGridY:int = 464;
public function gridX(X:Number):int
X = Math.floor(X / 8) * 8;
if (X < minGridX) X = minGridX;
if (X > maxGridX) X = maxGridX;
return X;
public function gridY(Y:Number):int
Y = Math.floor(Y / 8) * 8;
if (Y < minGridY) Y = minGridY;
if (Y > maxGridY) Y = maxGridY;
return Y;