Setting y property of textfield PROBLEM!

I was trying to create these 17 textfields in a for loop. I ended up instanciating them manually and now I am trying to set some of their properties in a for loop. The problem is that when I trace them I just see [object textfield] but not the names. If I try to trace the “.name” I get instance 1, instance 2, etc. The real problem is when I try to set the “y” property I get an error “1010 A term is undefined and has no properties”

Any help would be greatly appreciated, at 3:35, on a Friday, a long Friday.

var tf1:TextField = new TextField();
var tf2:TextField = new TextField();
var tf3:TextField = new TextField();
var tf4:TextField = new TextField();
var tf5:TextField = new TextField();
var tf6:TextField = new TextField();
var tf7:TextField = new TextField();
var tf8:TextField = new TextField();
var tf9:TextField = new TextField();
var tf10:TextField = new TextField();
var tf11:TextField = new TextField();
var tf12:TextField = new TextField();
var tf13:TextField = new TextField();
var tf14:TextField = new TextField();
var tf15:TextField = new TextField();
var tf16:TextField = new TextField();
var tf17:TextField = new TextField();
tf1.text = string1;
var startHighlight:int = tf1.text.indexOf(mark);
for (var i:uint = 1; i < 18; i++)
 this["tf" + i].width = stage.stageWidth;
 this["tf" + i].autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
 this["tf" + i].x = 0;
 this["tf" + i].height = 31;
 this["tf" + i].width = 675;
 this["tf" + i].multiline = true;
 this["tf" + i].setTextFormat(formatNormal);
this.mcContentOnStage.tf2.y = 100;
this.mcContentOnStage.tf3.y = 133;
this.mcContentOnStage.tf4.y = 177;