First things first my pre-loader…
TotalBytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
BytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
Percent = (Bytesloaded/TotalBytes)*100;
loadbar.width = percent;
Percent.text = percent;
if (TotalBytes=BytesLoaded) {
then._root.gotoAndPlay(“PageTween”, 1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(“Preloading”, 1);
This is what have for my pre-loader so far. Ideally, what I my pre-loader to do is goto a different scene. This is just for organizational purposes. Its kind of not working, I think I need to tell it to goto the original frame if the bytesloaded are not equal to the totalbytes. Yea… I’ve never really programmed before expect for some random things. ActionScript is the same thing as JavaScript right? Any advice?
Now, my “Pre-Loader” Scene will Shape/Motion Tween into something like this…
As for that…
I want the top part to be a view of city, however I want to have a rain effect. Simaller to the snow effect, but rain with lighting and thunder. I assume this shouldn’t be too difficult…
For the center of my website, I want the information in the middle to load all of the information from a *.txt file and make it look all nice and neat. Complete with custom scroll bar made by me…
Now, I don’t really know anything about Flash besides some simple tweening and random assorted things. Can I teach myself how to the things above in a week or so? I plan to hit Barnes and Noble tommarow, any suggestions on what books to get?
I’ve also noticed a issuse I’ve been having reguarding the line tool. I cannot do this effect on the line tool for some strange reason… I can do it on the rectangle tool…