
hey guys I have a big problem there . I want to make a gallery and I never get the good thing. In fact I get nothing. Here is the problem : I have a clip named “galery”. Inside, i have a smartclip that makes a bunch of stuff, but principally, it gets variables from a PHP file. That’s correct.

But the fact is that i cant load any image. It’s fuked up and argh i ve been trying to debug this for hours dammit and no *******clue what’s goin on!!! Images are gray as if they wouldnt load and argh anyway if someone could help me with this!

you never left the source…

yes i did

It wasn’t a second ago, but could you also post your php source as well? might need all the files to see what is going on.


Need the source of the php file, not the output. Save a copy like this: GALERIECOUNT.php.txt so we can see the code.

I wonder why Kirupa blocks profanity if people just find ways around it?

****ty he! Lol I think it’s in the LoadMovieClip class that everything messes up…

i dun know …

yeah dude whats the point of naming you thread Sh!t lol. For all I noe you could be taking a **** and want to share it with all of us.

i could… but yeah hey Ethan nice site! simple but real nice…

Go to (the real ext. is php)

sorry for beeing so late i didnt see ur post

i checked the source it works now source

SOURCE biactch its this one (capital GALERIECOUNT.txt… ) SHiass

I haven’t really looked at anything, but I cleaned up the php code a bit. I am not sure what the output is exactly that you are going for, but that can easily be adjusted with the last echo.

/*Count number of files*/
$mydir = "Images/thumbs/"; 
$d = dir($mydir); 
$MyArray = array();
while($entry = $d->read()) { 
	if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
		$MyArray[] = $entry;			
sort($MyArray, SORT_NUMERIC);
$num = count($MyArray);
	$total = "&&thumb=".$MyArray[$i];
	echo $total;

If I get a minute I can look over the .fla and see if I can get it working.