Shared Obj

Hey, just trying to get my head around Shared Objs…

// Frame 1
_so_Usercheck = SharedObject.getLocal("Checker");

//Frame 2
if ( {
	//skip intro
} else {
	//play intro

stop(); = _root.alreadyplayed;

Hmm…I really have buggered this up lol

Basically, I just wanted it to check and set a sharedObj to see if something in the swf has played or not, and if it hasn’t, to set a obj to not play it again when the user re-visits but if it has, to bypass and go to a certain action

Not sure, but did you check the tutorial?

Yes, looked all over, at FK,, Kirupa etc got no actual help, please somebody have any clue why my script doesn’t work, do I have to set vars? I’m so confused with this, any other sharedObj I have set worked fine but this, I just cant get it working, just one of those days!! :m:

Ahh not a problem, all sorted here now…Figured!

Solution? :sure: