Shared variables within classes

As the topic states, I’m not sure if AS3 is able to do that.

eg. Main.fla attached

package {
    import com.class1;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class classTestMain extends MovieClip {
        public var apple:String = "fruit";
        public var class1F:class1;
        public function classTestMain ():void {
            class1.c1 ();

external class file

package com{
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class class1 {
        public function class1 ():void {
            trace ("This is")
        public function c1 () {
            trace (apple);

Basically I want function c1 to display “fruit” when traced the var apple.
I know i can simply passed the variable when calling the method eg. class1.c1(apple)

However it might not be too feasible if there’s more variables req to be passed. Thus is it possible to have the variable shared among classes?
