I’m coming again to ask help about the usage of the SharedObjects in Mx flash
Well I have a flash file where the user make his selection about the preffered language and finally terminate the flash calling a new flash. In the first flash the selection of user is stored in his pc using the SharedObject . The used code is:
usersel = sharedObject.getlocal(usersprefs);
usersel.data.lang = “en”;
When the user comes to the second flash , i use again the same SharedObject (the same name as in the first file) to offer the contents of the second flash page translated into the selected language. So I try to read this SharedObject using the follow code:
usersel = sharedObject.getlocal(“usersprefs”);
selection = usersel.data.lang;
As I expect , the “selection” variable must contain the value of “en” which was previously stored in the file “usersprefs” by the first flash file, but in reality there is no content stored into “selection” variable
Where is my error?
Thank you in advance