Sharpening Photos

Hey guys I have kind of a problem that I’m having a hard time fixing. I have a fwe images that a friend took of me with a digital camera. However, a couple are pretty blurry because she would move when she took the picture. I have been trying to sharpen it up in PS, but am having a hard time. I was wondering if I could send a couple of these images to someone to see if they can fix the blur? Thanks guys!


Depends, how bad is it? If it’s really bad then there’s not much you can do to sharpen it.

Photoshop is capable of sharpening and there’s also the clone tool which could help a little bit if done correctly, but there’s no 100% way of restoring it if it’s super blurry.

Why don’t you zip them up and post them here and I can take a look.

OK Well here are the pics. Some of them are worse than others. I included 7, you don’t have to sharpen them all, if you want u can just let me know how you would accomplish it. Also, the background does not matter, I am only looking to sharpen the photos of me.


Sorry Brad…

It is extremely difficulct to create sharpness when it isn’t there from the beginning… I tried, but couldn’t get them any better…

maybe someone else can do miracles…



No problem, thanks for trying Rev!


Well I tried and failed miserably, those are too blurry. I tried to run a few of those through the sharpen filter, but it wasn’t enough to restoe it. I had to reduce the size down to about a half and it still didn’t help much, sorry.

Here are the ones I attempted to restore. Let me know once you got it so I can take it off my server.

Hey thanks a lot E, those ones you did improved them better than I could have done. You can take it off ur site now!


is the problem fixed enough cause i will take a stab if you still want…