Shooting Multiple Missles

So I was trying out the gravity tutorial and thought I’d make a missile shooting thing out of it. The problem is that I can only shoot one at a time. I think it’s a depth issue, but I’m not entirely sure (i is noob…)

Anyway, I have an MC called bazooka, on the MC i have an attachMovie to a ball. Then I applied behavior to the ball.

so essentially i have on the bazooka

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this.onRelease = function() {

//attaches an MC called ball, i clicked on the linkage thingy
attachMovie(“ball”, burret, this.getNextHighestDepth());

//sets behavior for the ball
this.burret.onEnterFrame = function() {
Ball bahavior: Ball shoots at right wall and bounces back slightly as well as falling to the ground.

Anyway, again, I can only fire 1 ball at a time. The only way I can shoot off another is by removing the current attached movie clip.

The file is below.

Also, while I’m asking questions: I set up boundaries for my ball to bounce around in, but I can’t seem to set up the main stage boundaries, it keeps setting to the sub-stages. For example, I want a ball to bounce back up as soon as it hits 340y, the ball will then drop 10y per frame until it counts 340y, then bounce back up. I was hoping it would hit 340 on the main stage, not by its own count (sorry if i made it confusing)