
All you lovely people who kindly offered to help with my site should I need it are about to regret those ill-spoken words. :evil:

I’m planning to add a shoutbox to the homepage in PHP, kind of like the one on deviantART on the right hand side.

I’ve got the basic code for this (though it’s probably a bit scrappy) so no need to worry about that. It’s more the database / SQL side of things that I’m not so sure about. What DB do I need, what kind of program I’ll need to set it up, requirements for the web server… That kind of thing.

Can anyone give me a few pearls of wisdom please? :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. :beam:

I suggest MySQL because it’s free, easy and anyone can work with it :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no special requirements on the server except the extra space thats needed for the install bit.

I’ve worked with MySQL, PHP and Apache. Stuff like forums/guestbooks/shoutboxes can easily be configured to work with MySQL. If you need any specific help, just ask me.

well… MySQL is only free if you can find a free web hosting company that provides them… Kit: there are text version shoutboxes available as well (that use only txt files and whatnot)… I found a flash one the other day… but I can’t remember where it is! sorry! (but I think I ran a search on here which might haven thrown up a few links). sorry i cant be more useful!


Or why don’t you set up your own server, it’s easy, it doesn’t cost YOU anything more than the monthly bill from your ISP.
That is if you are on 2.5 mbps or more.

many hosts offer mySQL becuase it is opensource and easy to use. I suggest that with PHP for a simple shoutbox. Let me know if you need help cleaning up your code or anything like that. :slight_smile:

Cool, I’ll check with the people who host my site whether they’ve got mySQL support or not. I wanted to go down the PHP route anyway.

I’m going to sound so dumb now, considering that I’m supposed to do this for a living, but where do I get all this stuff from? :blush:

Everything you need:

Edit: Contains PHP, mySQL database, and the apache server to test the files on your local machine.


Oooh, I wouldn’t go with that PHP triad thing… I’ve tried it, some say it’s simplier but I just find it more complicated, go the normal way! :slight_smile:

Anyways, if you the people who host you are supporting MySQL you prob wont have to download the program yourself, they probably have it installed on the server. Just ask them for the database name and your user/pass.

um… you didnt take a look at those features before you signed up?

Come on, what do you take me for? :stuck_out_tongue:

::runs and hides::


do they have blonde jokes in europe? I mean, they don’t have that southern or blonde or southern blonde stereotype.

Oh yeah, we have blonde jokes, and I get the feeling that I’m living up to them all right about now… :sure:

but I mean… isnt the distribution of blonde people much higher over there than here in the US?

I need to go to europe.

Not sure to be honest… All I know is that I am blonde. :sure:

There’s millions of blonde jokes floating round though, they’re everywhere. :slight_smile:

we have blonde jokes in croatia.

go to - they have all the php tools you need.

All the croatians I’ve met so far have been hot.

Don’t really know why I said that.

Anyways… wouldn’t that be like having croatian jokes in croatia?

Cheers Lava… Just noticed you changed your name. Must be having a blonde week… :stuck_out_tongue: