First of all I would like to show and hide a movie clip when a button is pressed.
I have tried
Info.visible = false;
What about if I place the button inside a movie clip and the movie clip i want to show and hide isn’t within that movie clip? Do I just stick _root. infront of Info? Is _root used to address the stage and _parent to address something 1 level up from the place the AS is?
Secondly, I would like some clarification on this
When you convert something to a symbol you name it and you can place it on the stage. You can also give it an instance name if you wish. If you were to use code to address the mc on the stage you use the instance name. Is this always the case? or can you sometimes use the name?
Also the identifier? under the linkage bit, what is this used for?
[SIZE=1]P.S. Sorry if the message is written poorly, I kept thinking of more questions I need clarifying.
P.S.S. Thanks again[/SIZE]