Show inside dynamic text the title for multiple images on mouseover

I have 25 animated movieclips dragged on the stage and they have similar instance names for easier manipulation purposes inside programming using loops. The instance names look like this: image0, image1, image2 and so on.

Each time I go mouseover on one of these unique images I want to show the unique title of that image using for all titles just one dynamic text container named imageTitle.

I have succeeded to make this work image by image but this would require me to copy paste and modify for each image the following code.

[FONT=arial]image0.onRollOver = function() { 
    imageTitle.text = "First image title";
    imageTitle.textColor = 0x000000; // setting the text color here

image0.onRollOut = function() {  
    imageTitle.text = "Choose an image";
    imageTitle.textColor = 0x000000;
};  [/FONT]

Question: The above code would work but seems redundant to me. Since I have similar instance names (image0, image1, …,image24), how can I put this code inside a loop or something in order to work for all images without repeating this code 25 times.

Update: I have added an array to the project that contains all the titles:

var imagesTitles = new Array("First image title", "Second image title", ....);