*sigh custome events in as3 - again. :sigh:

So, I am trying to pass some arguments through a custom MouseEvent. This is my code:

Document Class (Main.as)

package {
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import Events.MyCheckBoxEvent;
	*   Main Class
	*   @ purpose: Document class for movie
	public class Main extends Sprite{
		public function Main(){
			//instantiate concrete creators
			//var cable1:Page = new Cable1();
			var cb:CheckBox = new CustomCheckBox();
			cb.addEventListener(MyCheckBoxEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, false, 0, ["ted","john","doug"]);			
		private function clickHandler(e:MyCheckBoxEvent){


package Events{

	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class MyCheckBoxEvent extends MouseEvent {

		public static const CLICK:String = "click";
		private var _argArray:Array;

		public function MyCheckBoxEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, argArray:Array = null) {
             _argArray = argArray;

		public function get argumentArray():Array {
			return _argArray;

		override public function clone():Event{
			return new MyCheckBoxEvent(type,bubbles,cancelable,_argArray);

So I dont get any compiler errors at runtime, but when I click on the checkbox I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::MouseEvent@10add4a9 to Events.MyCheckBoxEvent.

If I make the argument of the event handler function to be just MouseEvent instead of MyCheckBoxEvent then it works, but it doesnt recognize the _argArray getter… This is driving me mad! I have spent like 3 hours on this already… I tried casting the Event as a MyCheckBoxEvent and same thing…