Similar to buttonless scroll, but need to rotate image/MC

Hi all,

I’m sure a lot of you have seen the tutorials for buttonless scrolling (where you move your cursor to the right of the screen and the movieclip scrolls to the left etc). Here is an excellent example… (and then scroll down until you get to the title, ‘Scrolling Thumbnail Panel’.

Now, I want to use this principle to rotate a MC of the world instead of scrolling the MC left and right. So, as your cursor moves to the right of the screen, the globe rotates in an anti-clockwise direction and visa versa.

Could anyone moderate the code below to make this work? I’ve tried a few things but none of them work. Thanks to anyone who tries.


the code…

panel.onRollOver = panelOver;

function panelOver() {
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
delete this.onRollOver;

var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);

function scrollPanel() {
if(_xmouse<b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse>b.yMax) {
this.onRollOver = panelOver;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

if(panel._x &gt;= 89) {
	panel._x = 89;

if(panel._x &lt;= -751) {
	panel._x = -751;

var xdist = _xmouse - 250;

panel._x += Math.round(-xdist / 7);
