Simple actions - easing and moving

Hi all,

Got a question regarding easing and moving some objects on RollOver / RollOut.

Lets take the following setting

3 simple buttons

what i want the clip to do is that when a user Rollovers button 1 , then button 2 and 3 fades (_alpha) to 0 (zero).
And when you rollout of button 1 then button 2 and 3 fades alphas back to 100

Same goes to button 2 and 3.
When you Rollover button 2 then button 1 and 3 will _alpha out to 0 and on RollOut then button 1 and 3 re-appears.

I did manage to make ‘something’ out of it, but it doesnt quite work and i have a feeling that i am using too much code.
Also, the alpha changes for alll the buttons instead of just 1 , 2 or 3.

onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 100;
div = 4;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha += (endAlpha-_alpha)/div;
button1.onRollOver = function() {
endAlpha = 20;
button1.onRollOut = function() {
endAlpha = 100;

There is another catch though.
Because i want to be able to have text slide in place as well.

Lets say you RollOver button 1
Then button 2 and 3 fade out.
But on the location where button 2 and 3 were… i want text to slide in (as to give a description for button 1)

Alot of simple things but for me very frustrating to do.
I have tried reading alot of easing AS examples but can’t seem to re-program it to my needs :frowning:

anybody can help ? Big big thank you in advance.