-Simple AS3 question (I hope) -

Hi thanks for taking the time. Sorry to post such a simple question here but after extensive looking I either can’t find the answer I am after, or more likely can’t recognise it when I see it.

In AS3 I can happily pass variables and call functions between unrelated objects created in the main time line if I pass in a reference to the target object.
I would like to be able to do it without having to pass in a reference.
In AS2 this was easy I just used

'myTargetVar = _root.objectInstanceName.someProperty'  syntax.

or the reverse…

So for example I could have the rotation value of one object change by running a function in another object.

So in AS3 can I still do that? I can see how I do it with parent and child relationships, but I can’t seem to be able to work out how to do it with unrelated objects.

I have attempted this approach:
main time line code

var A1:aaaa1 = new aaaa1;
var B1:bbbb1 = new bbbb1;

then for example adding a line of code in the bbbb1 class

rotation = root.A1.rotation;

but that gives me the error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property BGScroller through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

I tried messing around with assigning instance names but Senocular said that he (almost) never used instance names in AS3 and I figure if its good enough for him then who am I to question!

Obviously my example is simplified for the question but I am sure that if I can just get this then I can work out the rest no problem.

Incidentally if this is a really bad way of coding things and I should just put in references and like it then could someone explain why?

Thanks for your time. Please feel free to snicker at my question.