I have 4 buttons, they are all build up in the same way its a text, thats black, turns white when mouse is over, and has a hitbox (targetarea) thats abit bigger than the text.
For some reason it works fine for the first 2 buttons, but the other 2 have a problem, they only have about 1/3 of the hitbox from what ive “painted” out, its only 1/3 to the right that is a targetarea that will change the color to white and that you can press. How come?
I have one big movieclip that covers the 4 buttons the buttons are basicly on diffrent y cords but same x cords. If I have the whole movieclip where I want it the 2 top buttons work perfect, the 2 bottom ones have a tiny space to the farmost right, if I move the clip more to the right, the area for the bottom buttons gets bigger and if I have it about “1 buttonsize” to the right then the lower buttons works fine also.
So for some strange reason that I can’t understand the lower buttons seems to have some fixed targetarea that is not where I place it but about 1 size to the right… how come?