hi I have searched on the forums and made a good effort at looking around, i have read through Transitions Between External SWFs by Voetsjoeba. But it is too complicated to what i want to do.
Basically all i want is to load one external swf after the other.
so I load the first one in, wait until it has finished and then load the second one, wait until it finishes and so on.
i know how to load the swf in a movieclip but i just dont know any other action script to find the end of an swf or when it stops, or how to set the ammount of frames it plays for.
so i want to make something like this but really simple http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/530338
Lets say i have 5 swf files
and say i want the first 3 to play one after the other, then in my main flash file it will stop and ask to play file 4 or 5 (kind of like a question ‘do you want to do this’ ‘or this’)
what i want to know is do i load the swf’s a differnt way or can i just do a GotoAndPlay at a certain frame.
i would really like some help with this and i hope my explanation is enough, i know what i want to do is really simple i just cant find a guide or anything that covers this.
The reason i want to do it like this is that i have been making an ‘interactive movie’, where the user chooses what the main character should do. and i have all the different sections as separate swf files, so really all i want to do is tie them together and in between that just a question for the user to choose what happens next, and then based on that the story chages to a different swf file, see i dont mind loading them all in, and then just having the time line skip to the start of the one i want.
thanks in advance