Simple Flash Actionscript Button Question

Hey everyone!

I just had a quick question, I am making an actionscript animated movieclip with an embedded button insde of it. But when I put a button inside it and use the correct dot structure, it doesn’t seem to work… does anyone know why? I know you can’t place a button inside a MC so i used a MC inside an MC with a rollover ,method… any help is much appreciated.


//ALL Code is on the first frame of the main movie.

logoBar_mc._y = 500;

var targetY:Number = 0;
var distY:Number = 0;

logoBar_mc.onRollOver = function(){
	this.onEnterFrame = logoInertia;


logoBar_mc.onRollOut = function(){
	this.onEnterFrame = logoInertia;

//this is the button i cant get working...	
**logoBar_mc.port.onRelease = function(){

function logoInertia():Void{
	distY = targetY - logoBar_mc._y;
	logoBar_mc._y = Math.round(logoBar_mc._y + (distY/5));