Simple gallery tutorial

I have two questions.
I tried a tutorial in the MX section for making a simple gallery.
< >

It works! Except the images don’t center in the movie clip. They are offest down and to the right.

I think I must be overlooking a step.

Second, I was wondering if there is a simple gallery tutorial for FLA 5 that could be backwards compatiple to FLA 4 player.


It’s all written in the tute, Tommy. The thing is your images’ top left corner matches the center of the clip in which you load it. That’s why you have to :

  • move your holder clip
  • move your loaded picture to emulate the center

Second, I was wondering if there is a simple gallery tutorial for FLA 5 that could be backwards compatiple to FLA 4 player.

pom :asian:

I got it to work!

so did Arghh!! - mean no there isn’t a backwards compatable solution?

I realize that it won’t work the same way.


It means that Flash 4 sucks now that we have F5 and FMX… A lot of trouble for nothing…

pom :asian:

I am sure the application, FLA 4, is no good.

I was actually refering to the plug-in the client has to have downloaded to view the page <Fla 4, 5, 6>.

That, as I am sure you know, is a pretty significant factor. I do have flash 5 and will upgarde to studio MX very soon. Maybe my posts are confusing, I am new to this forum.:slight_smile: