Simple if/then using "getDay"

I’m trying to figure out how to integrate an if/then statement with the “getDay” function.

I want Flash to find out what the date is. I know I can do this with:

var dayOfWeek_array:Array = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var today_date:Date = new Date();
var day_str:String = dayOfWeek_array[today_date.getDay()];
trace("Today is "+day_str);

That’ll get me today’s date.

How do I take that output, string, whatever and make an if/then statement to tell it what movie to load?

This doesn’t work, but here’s what I have:

if (day_str == 1) {
	loadMovieNum("promo.swf", this.fb_1);
if (day_str == 2) {
	loadMovieNum("promo.swf", this.fb_1);
if (day_str == 3) {
	loadMovieNum("wed.swf", this.fb_1);
} else {
if (day_str == 4) {
	loadMovieNum("thur.swf", this.fb_1);
} else {
if (day_str == 5) {
	loadMovieNum("fri.swf", this.fb_1);
} else {
if (day_str == 6) {
	loadMovieNum("sat.swf", this.fb_1);
} else {
if (day_str == 7) {
	loadMovieNum("promo.swf", this.fb_1);

How do I get these two to talk to each other, first finding the day value and then loading the correct movie based on that value?

A brief explanation on how you figured it out would be good to. I’m really trying to learn AS.
