Simple MC Question

Hey all, been a while. This is probably so easy to do, but I"ve taken an extended break from Flash, and I’m just now getting back into it. Can anyone tell me how to have a MC (say clouds moving in the background) and then have the MC loop, but have it load a menu on top of it (once). I guess what I’m asking is - how can i make MC # 1 loop, without it making the load of MC # 2 loop? (as if I put the load movie actionscript in the last frame of MC # 1)


You can make your movieclip load MC #2 in it’s first frame and have a copy of the first frame of your animation there (so that there won’t be a white space showing when at the first frame). Then have the animation start in the second frame, and let the last frame return to the second frame instead of the first frame :slight_smile: