Hello to all.
I have a movie that has multiple layers and is published at 100%, no scale.
Within that movie I have all movie assets/clips centered, but one. I am trying to load the final clip to the upper right corner so upon brower resize, it will always be in the upper right corner.
From my understanding I create the clip, do not drag it to stage, instead export it for AS in the library and attach the following code to it:
cornerBox_mc.onResize = function() {
var bounds = this.getBounds(this._parent);
var yoffset = this._y-bounds.yMax;
this._y = Stage.height+yoffset;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TR";
I’ve pieced this together from 3 examples…needless to say it doesn’t work. Any ideas?
Thank you.