what causes Photoshop to lag? For instance, I’ll fill an entire layer with a paint bucket, but then after it’s filled PS freezes up for like 3 long seconds, then returns to normal.
i know it’s a memory problem, but there are instances where it freezes up then doesn’t freeze up, and works pretty normal :hurt: .
What are other causes?
i’m not a big PS guy, still pretty new.
how much RAM you got? Also where is the scratch disk located? Also do you have a bunch of fonts? If your copy is a legal one I would call/email Adobe support also.
I used to have the same problem. PS used to lag pretty bad for me. I just upgraded my ram to 512 from 256 and it runs like a dream now. I would definitely suggest spending the 75 or so dollars and getting a new stick of ram.
For one - it could be your computer to fill up a simple canvas. Mine takes about 1/2 a second to fill up.
But even if you have a fast computer - photoshop is running lots of functions to create graphics. Don’t think it’s only running what you want it to. Every tool takes 1000s of coding to work.
So when you fill up the canvas with a paint bucket, it’s running other functions to get color (ps comes with millions of colors) and then it paints each pixel by pixel.
Just a tip: You can use ctrl + backspace and alt + backspace to paint in background (box in the back) and foreground (box at top) colors if you don’ t feel like using the paint bucket and clicking :P.
It takes long to do the simplest things, but it’s all worth it at the end of you graphic :).
it’s memory related …you can look in the preferences and see how much memory photoshop is allocated…you can change this - however don’t take all your ram for photoshop…
it’s purely memory related…
you will especially notice the lag depending on the canvas size you are working with - for example a square 500 x 500 versus 3000 x 3000
like many have said already it’s determained by the ram allocated you have set and the amount of ram you have, remember windows takes a chunk of that memory already.
[size=1]As the saying goes you can never get enough memory.[/size]
also if you have another drive in your system (2 local drives) its always best to make your scratch disc the extra drive (where photoshop is not installed or where windows is not installed), this way you have a seperate drive handling the scratch.
[size=1]i have about 3 physical drives. C my main, my 2nd one , which is partitioned, one allocated for windows virtual memory and the other is backup files(project complete ready to burn) and 3rd drive which is allocated for junk and cache/scratch.[/size][size=1]