I went through the tutorial for getting data from php into flash but the data refuses to show.
i followed the tuorial on this page : http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_mysql.htm
here’s what i’ve got:
- flash published in version 6, dynamic text box with Var being “myVar” converted to movie clip called myVar and the following code added to movie
onClipEvent (load) {
//assuming you have a personal web server and PHP installed locally
loadVariables(“http://www.warforpeace.net/abc.php”, this, “GET”);
now my abc.php file:
$x = “abc”;
print $x;
print “myVar=$x”;
i then made up a page to show the flash file at this link http://www.warforpeace.net/abcpage.php
as you can see, a blank blue square.
can anyone please help??