ok i posted yesterday that i wanted to make a simple preloader like i used to in flash 5 without a percentage bar just to make my animation loop well guess what after hours searching every result i got on google i finall found how to get it workin and ive decided to post it just in case any one esle is looking for a simple preloader with no fancy loading bars or other cool stuff you see around well heres the script and lets keep flashing
if (_framesloaded<_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay(“scene1”, 11);}
I would like to thank fellow flashers for their prompt response this is what its all about learning and spreading the knowledge keep up the good work
if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay(“scene1”, 11);}
I changed the > to >= because there is no way that the _framesloaded is more then the total frame so you have to the greater than or equal to operator.
umm guys i changed my code to what you guys said and it doesnt work i have no idea why im not using expoert mode i want to know if theres a way to achieve this in normal mode, in normal mode i cannot input the else part anyone know why??? anyways thanx for all the help guys this is what im using as my code shouldnt it work??
if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
or do i have to assign an else action?? because i add the else in expert because normal mode wont let me add it and it stays the same way it just bypasses the code for no apparent reason any help is greatly appreciated, i got it to work with the < but i cant get it to work wit the method you guys say it should work i want to learn both ways, i understand the its checkin the framesloaded is greater than or equal to the total frames ok here a question do i have to specify a scene or does the totalframes include the whole animation or is it just for this specific scene?? thanx
P.S. im trying to get this workin in normal mode thanks again