I’ve been doing a lot of development with Flash 9 and AS3 lately.
I like it. I’m having one problem (very basic and frustrating) that I can’t seem to find a clear answer to.
Can anyone explain to me, or give me a link to a site that explains how to use a package with an FLA file that’s NOT supposed to go in the Document Class?
From the Adobe website, they give pretty clear instructions on using AS files in the document class (through the properties inspector), and I can get those classes working just fine.
What I’m trying to do however, is use a class that’s not supposed to be linked to the document itself (since the classes in those packages can only extend Sprite or MovieClip).
I need to use a package that extends Loader, however I do not know how to link the AS file with my FLA file to get the public class to actually extend Loader.
I can give code examples, folder structure, and filenames if needed.
Could I have Spent about 6 hours trying to figure this out when it’s as simple as (Frame 1 in FLA):
import The_Class_That_Extends_Loader;
If the AS file is named The_Class_That_Extends_Loader.as and it contains:
public class The_Class_That_Extends_Loader extends Loader{
I’m not getting any errors now using this, but I still don’t know if it’s working!