I created a simple stage manager that makes it easier for managing Full Browser Flash.
Here is the class:
class uk.co.amict.stageManager
function stageManager()
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
function onResize():Void
//Action to run when the SWF is resized
//-->NB: The following function MUST exist for this sytem to work
function resizePage(){}
To use it:
[]Include the Class
[]Create a new instance of StageManager[/LIST][INDENT]
var sm:stageManager = new stageManager();
[*]Create a resizer function[/LIST][INDENT]
sm.resizePage = function()
//Action to perform when resized
[*]Resize the page [this is a Firefox workaround][/LIST][INDENT]
[/INDENT]Enjoy (free to use - completely open source)