Simple switches wont work!

I’m having some problems again with the on/off switch. i cant seem to make both stay on at the same time. like for example, when i click on the date button (it turns on the date) then i click on the clock button, the date turns off! is there a way to make both stay on? if the user wants to turn off the date, they would just hit the date button again. heres a zipped file with the pic and fla. thanks alot!

something easier to handle is

Make one frame with one layer (i did it with 3)
in the root make two varibles and a stop action in the first frame

layer 1 – AS
dateCheck = false;
timeCheck = false;

Layer 2 – Date_mc
has the button “[COLOR=green]clock[/COLOR]” and an empty MC with a Instance name “[COLOR=green]dateStamp_mc[/COLOR]”

clock_bt – AS
on (release) {
if (_root.dateCheck == false) {
loadMovie(“date.swf”, “dateStamp_mc”);
_root.dateCheck = true;
} else {
_root.dateCheck = false;

and i’m sure you can find out the other one, but is all made in the file